Ensuring scalability for a green FinTech startup

Migrating and re-architecting a MVP product to provide secure, global scaling for all workloads.

Main Challenges

The primary challenges involved restructuring Recimply’s architecture to handle concurrent workflows across multiple geographic regions, and scale autonomously with the growing demand of their invoice-tracking mobile application.

Our Impact

Zero-Trust network implemented.

For secure access to sensitive data.

99% decrease in application downtime.

By migration to the cloud and implementation of auto-scaling.

78% decrease in developer overhead.

Through implementation of modern DevSecOps pipelines.

Full compliance with related regulatory frameworks.

Through adoption of FinOps best practice methodologies.

The Solution

To facilitate Recimply’s ability to adapt to infrastructure across both developed and undeveloped nations, we redesigned their architecture to be cloud native through containerization and Kubernetes.

Moreover, our team optimized Recimply’s backend by implementing autoscaling across the application, leading to a significant reduction in downtime for their mobile application.

With the addition of Cloudflare’s zero trust network, we ensured that all of Recimply’s application backend was securely housed in a private network, with access only granted through Cloudflare’s tunnel service, ultimately securing all network connections and substantially reducing the attack service for the company’s IT infrastructure.

The primary challenges with this project involved ensuring compliance across a number of global regulatory bodies, as well as providing an automated deployment solution where Recimply’s architecture could be used in areas without access to primary cloud vendors.


increase in application performance


increase in infrastructure reliability